About iTEC

iTEC (Innovative Technologies for Engaging Classrooms) is a major EU-funded project in which European Schoolnet is working with education ministries, technology providers and research organisations to bring about transformation in learning and teaching through the strategic application of learning technology. With 27  project partners, including 14 Ministries of Education, and funding of €9.45 million from the European Commission’s FP7 programme, iTEC is the largest and most strategic project yet undertaken by European Schoolnet and has the potential to be a flagship project for the design of the future classroom. The project lasts from 2010 to 2014.


For further information visit iTEC official website.


  • There are seven schools from the Czech Republic involved in iTEC Cycle 4. ZŠ TGM Borohrádek is one of them. 
  • We have been working on the scenario Create a game.